21 Nov Are billboards still a good way to market your business?
In today’s digital age, with everyone glued to their cellphones and laptops, it’s hard to think that there’s still a place for a marketing channel that was invented in the mid-1800s. But despite its age, billboard advertising still remains an effective type of marketing. In fact, research indicates that billboards don’t just work, they work very well.
Billboards, a method of out-of-home (OOH) advertising, are typically placed in high-traffic areas like along major highways so that they are seen by the highest number of consumers. Because of this, billboards tend to yield a significant number of views and impressions compared to other methods of marketing. If you are trying to build brand awareness or broadcast your business (or campaign or product) to a wide audience, billboard advertising is certainly worth considering.
I know what you’re thinking – show me the data. A 2020 survey titled “COVID Impact: OOH’s Proximity Marketing Power Greater Than Ever” conducted by the Out of Home Advertising Association of America reported that 45% more consumers are noticing OOH marketing materials, which is more than before the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the National In-Car Study, 71% of people consciously look at billboards when driving.
Additionally, a recent study conducted by Nielsen revealed some interesting statistics about the power of digital billboards in connecting with consumers. In said study, a total of 75% of respondents recalled seeing a digital billboard in the past month and 60% noticed one in the past week. 55% of respondents from that same study noticed the message on the screen most of the time and 22% changed their plans to visit the store or business being advertised after seeing the billboard.
Now that we’ve established that billboards can be an effective marketing tactic, you’re probably wondering how exactly to use them effectively. For the best return on investment and consumer engagement, billboards need to be impeccably placed, well-designed, and methodically tested. Effective billboard advertising is well-placed, so be sure to pick a high-traffic location where your billboard will be one of only a few in the general vicinity.
Then, hone in on your business’s branding and design a billboard that has the right balance between logos, images, and text. Most drivers only have a brief moment to glance at a billboard, so you should keep the text brief, logos large, and image composition simple. Lastly, be sure to test your design in your target market. Focus groups are a great way to test a billboard. Or you can take a more informal approach like asking previous customers for their thoughts, asking company employees from other departments to weigh on, or posting a poll on your company’s social media pages to get the public’s opinion.
And want to know the best part? Prime Storage Commercial has billboards all around the country, some of which are currently available for lease. Check out our listings today.